Мой любимый спорт - баскетбол. Это. Топик по английскому: History of Basketball

ГАПОУ СПО Тольяттинский социально-педагогический колледж

Разработка учебного занятия по английскому языку с использованием технологии РКМЧП на тему: «The history of basketball (История баскетбола)»

Преподаватель: Корякова Елена Валерьевна


Технологическая карта урока

Преподаватель: Корякова Елена Валерьевна

Предмет: Иностранный язык (английский)

Специальность: «Физическая культура»

Группа : ФК -31

Тема урока : The history of basketball ( История баскетбола )

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Длительность: 45 минут

Дидактические задачи (цель учебного занятия): 1.совершенствование лексических навыков студентов;

2. развитие устной и письменной англоязычной речи.

Развивающие задачи: развитие критического мышления, посредством чтения информационного текста.

Воспитательные задачи: 1. формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка;

2. закрепление интереса к получаемой профессии ;

3.формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности в высказывании своего собственного мнения .

Оборудование: доска, карточки с ключевыми словами, бланки с таблицей ЗХУ, схема синквейна.

Ход учебного занятия

Этапы учебного занятия

Содержание учебного материала

Методы обучения

Средства обучения

Ориентировочная дозировка времени


Преподаватель и учащиеся приветствуют друга. Преподаватель озвучивает тему и цель занятия.



2-3 мин

1 стадия: Вызов

Перед началом работы учащимся раздаются карточки с ключевыми словами, на основе которых, им в парах предлагается сочинить рассказ на английском языке по теме «История баскетбола».

После чего каждая из пар озвучивает свой рассказ. Преподаватель принимает любые версии, ничего не отрицая.

Учащимся раздаются бланки с таблицей ЗХУ, в которой они заполняют колонку «Знаю» на основе составленных ими рассказов. Учащиеся делятся друг с другом информацией, систематизируя и заполняя графу «Категории информации».

Сделанные записи обсуждаются.


Хочу узнать


Источники информации

Составление рассказа по ключевым словам

Парная мозговая атака

Работа всей группы Таблица ЗХУ

Карточки со словами:

    United States

    Canadian clergyman

    30 inches in diameter


    In 1921

10 мин

2 стадия: Осмысление

Учащимся предлагается текст «The history of basketball », который они должны внимательно прочитать, делая пометки.

Метод пометок INSERT

Индивидуальная работа

Бланки с таблицей

15 мин

3 стадия: Рефлексия

По окончании чтения учащимся предлагается вернуться к сделанным пометкам и заполнить на их основе 3 колонку таблицы ЗХУ «Узнал».

Скорректировать сведения в графе узнал. Сделать выводы, что же ещё хочется узнать и записать в таблицу в форме вопросов. Учащиеся определяют круг возмож­ных способов получения необходимой информации, заполняя графу «Источники информации»

Учащимся предлагается составить синквейн на английском языке с ключевым словом «Баскетбол»

Таблица ЗХУ

Фронтальная работа в режиме полилога

Парная работа

Схема составления синквейна

12-13 мин

Подведение итогов выставление оценок

Учащиеся зачитывают синквейн. Преподаватель выставляет оценки, благодарит учащихся за работу.



5 мин

Приложение 1

Таблица ЗХУ


Хочу узнать


Источники информации

Приложение 2.

The Нistory of Вasketball.

The game of basketball has evolved a great deal throughout the years. Basketball was invented (былизобретён) on December 21, 1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman (священнослужитель) , James Naismith.

The game of basketball was fashioned from fragments of other games, seeking to eliminate flaws (сцельюустранениянедостатков) of rugby, soccer.

Basketball was first played in the United States at one training school, now called Springfield College.

Basketball is a simple game. The equipment (снаряжение) used in the game is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is a ball. The first basketball ball was slightly smaller, about 30 inches in diameter. The first baskets that were used, were two peach baskets hung from the balcony of the gymnasium (гимнастическийзал) .

In 1893 , the backboard (баскетбольныйщит) was invented. The first backboard was constructed out of wire mesh (проволочнаясетка) , then wood and now it is made out of glass so the backboard does not interfere with the viewing of the game. Around that time, there was no name for this game. By 1906, the peach baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes in the bottom. This was better than in the early days, when a ladder was used to climb and fetch the ball out of the basket (вынутьмячизкорзины) . Finally, in 1913 a hoop with a net (обручссеткой) was invented. In my opinion, the invention of the hoop and net was a major step in the developing of the game of basketball .

In 1921, one man named the game «basketball» and it has been called basketball ever since.

In the very beginning Naismith introduced thirteen original rules for the game of basketball, in which 12 out of the 13 original rules were still used up to 1934. The only rule, which changed, was that a player was now allowed to dribble a basketball (вестибаскетбольныймяч) . The rule of dribbling the basketball was first used in 1896 at a basketball game at Yale University (Йельскийуниверситет) . Also Naismith created four fundamental principles, which stayed in the game from 1891to 1937. These four fundamental principals stated, players with the ball must not make progress, the goal is above the head of the players, roughness (грубость) is eliminated and a player may not receive the ball by use of contact (силовойконтакт) .

Through the years of 1891 to the 1940"s there were many rule changes as well as addition of rules to the game of basketball. By 1898, basketball leagues were starting to form in the United States. In 1898, professional basketball was being played. The league was called the National Basketball League (NBL). The National Basketball League was made up of four teams like New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Jersey.

By 1932 basketball was officially gaining international status with the founding of the International Amateur Basketball Federation in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1946, the Basketball Association of America was formed but it did not go far well because it was competing against the National Basketball League. But in 1949, the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League joined together.

They changed their name to the National Basketball Association (NBA). Throughout the formation of the league there were many rules that were added to the game of basketball In 1930"s, Kenny Sailor invented the jump shot (бросоквпрыжке) . Also in the 1940"s, Bob Kurland used block- shots. In 1952 the foul lane (штрафнаязона) was widened and the three-second rule was put into affect (введено) , so centres could not station themselves in front of the basket all the time. During the 1950"s the National Basketball Association was on the rise.

At this time, basketball was increasing in popularity. Nowadays it is played by 176 nations.

Приложение 3

Схема составления синквейна

The History of basketball, a game that started with 18 men in a YMCA gymnasium in Springfield, Mass., has grown into a game that more than 300 million people play worldwide. The man who created this instantly successful sport was Dr. James Naismith.

Under orders from Dr. Luther Gulick, head of Physical Education at the School for Christian Workers. Naismith had 14 days to create an indoor game that would provide an "athletic distraction" for a rowdy class through the brutal New England winter.

Naismith"s invention didn"t come easily. Getting close to the deadline, he struggled to keep the class" faith. His first intention was to bring outdoor games indoors, i.e., soccer and lacrosse. These games proved too physical and cumbersome.

At his wits" end, Naismith recalled a childhood game that required players to use finesse and accuracy to become successful. After brainstorming this new idea, Naismith developed basketball"s original 13 rules and consequently, the game of basketball.

As basketball"s popularity grew, Naismith neither sought publicity nor engaged in self-promotion. He was first and foremost a physical educator who embraced recreational sport but shied away from the glory of competitive athletics.

Naismith was an intense student, collecting four degrees in the diverse fields of Philosophy, Religion, Physical Education and Medicine. Although he never had the opportunity to see the game become the astonishing spectacle it is today, Naismith"s biggest thrill came when he was sponsored by the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) to witness basketball become an Olympic sport at the 1936 Games held in Berlin.

Naismith became famous for creating the game of basketball, a stroke of genius that never brought him fame or fortune during his lifetime, but enormous recognition following his passing in 1939.

For his historic invention, Naismith"s name adorns the world"s only Basketball Hall of Fame, a tribute that forever makes James Naismith synonymous with basketball.

Abner Doubleday, who didn"t invent baseball, is probably a more widely recognized name than Naismith, who did invent basketball. And even those who know about him continue to learn more about the man who invented a sport designed for offseason physical exercise, which began with his own 13 basic rules, but which has grown to become a game not for a specific culture or nation or ethnic group, but for an entire planet to share and enjoy.

Naismith is the only coach in University of Kansas men"s basketball history to own a losing record. Naismith was 55-60 from 1898 to 1907, which mattered little to him only in that one of his most famous quotes was that basketball was never meant to be coached, anyway, only to be played.

The new game was explained by 13 basic rules and was played with a soccer ball, peach baskets and nine to a side. There have been major changes to the game since that first contest, which is believed to have been played Dec. 21, 1891.

But perhaps what is most amazing about Naismith"s creation, other than the fact that few sports that are purposely invented actually stand the test of time, is that the essence of basketball-throwing a ball into an elevated goal-has remained the focus from day one.

Today, Naismith would be universally recognized as a genius, a Bill Gates of sport. And in all likelihood, the opportunity would exist for him to become a multi-millionaire.

But if Naismith was The Basketball Man, he was not The Money Man, and life in 1891 was far different than in 1991 or 2001.

But if Naismith"s invention did not lead to profit, it did lead to huge popularity for basketball. Even in the final years of the 19th century, with communication and transportation that was primitive by today"s standards, the game"s growth was palpable, immediate and widespread.

James Naismith had changed the face of sport, not so much for the 19th century, but the 20th, and it is now clear, the 21st. All in an effort to keep unruly students at bay.

Basketball is an extremely popular all around the world. The object is to put a ball through a hoop, or basket, and thus score more points than the opposing team. Teams comprise of ten players, with a maximum of five on court at any one time. Substitutions are unlimited during the course of the game.

Although basketball can be played outdoors, it was invented to serve as an exciting indoor exercise for the winter months in a northern climate. It quickly became a spectator sport, however, and now attracts large audiences to gymnasiums and arenas, especially in the United States, South America, and Europe.

The sport is played on the amateur level by schools, colleges, other groups, and, since 1936 by national teams in the Olympic Games. It also is played by professional athletes, notably in the United States and Europe. The foremost American championships contended for are those of the National Basketball Association (NBA) for professionals, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for colleges. Britain has National Associations for each country and the English Basketball Association (EBBA) runs amateur national competitions, the National Basketball League (NBL) is run by Basketball League Ltd for professionals. International competion is organised by the Federation of International Basketball (FIBA). It all started with two peach baskets in a YMCA in Massachusetts.

In 1891 James Naismith (1861-1939), a leader of the Springfield YMCA, was thinking about ways of providing exercise for the young men in his care. As a physical education instructor he taught gymnastics, however he was looking for something new. He had the idea of nailing peach baskets onto the balconies as goals, at either end of the gymnasium and throwing a soccer ball into it from below. So a National and International game was born.

In 1892 James Naismith published the first booklet containing the basic rules, almost unchanged today (although expanded upon considerably). These rules were adopted by the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union. Word spread quickly amongst YMCA"s in the Eastern United States about this new game. It took off so rapidly that the first intercollegiate game was played in 1897, and the first professional league in the following year.

The Eastern Intercollegiate League was formed shortly afterwards, in 1902. Women also took up the game before 1900. The growing popularity of basketball resulted in improvements in equipment and skills. The metal hoop was introduced in 1893, and backboards in 1895. The soccer ball was replaced by the first basketball. As playing skills also became more sophisticated, the game attracted more and more spectators.

Until the late 1930s, scores were low, sometimes in single digits. After each score, opposing centers (one of the five positions, the others being two guards and two forwards) lined up in the middle of the court and jumped for the ball. Then the team that got the ball would pass or dribble until a player was about 3 m (10 ft) from the basket before trying a shot.

The slow pace did not inhibit the growth of the game, however. By the 1920s, basketball was being played all over the United States, and tournaments were being conducted in high school and college gymnasiums. Most states held high school championships for boys.

Several events in the 1930s spurred the growth of the game as a spectator sport and at the same time made basketball more exciting for the players. The first of these came in the 1932-33 season (basketball seasons tend to run from Autumn through to Spring) rules designed to speed up play were adopted. It became mandatory, under penalty of losing possession, to move the ball past midcourt in less than ten seconds. In addition, no player was permitted to remain within the foul lanes for more than three seconds.

Then in 1934 a New York sportswriter, Ned Irish, persuaded the promoters at New York"s Madison Square Garden, a large arena, to schedule doubleheaders between college teams. These events proved successful, and similar promotions followed in other cities. Before long, colleges began building their own arenas for basketball.

Another significant advance occurred in 1936, when a Stanford University team traveled from California to a Madison Square Garden promotion to challenge the eastern powers in the "cradle of basketball". Opponents and fans were stunned by the Stanford style of shooting - one-handed while jumping, which contrasted to the prevalent method of taking two-handed shots while standing still. One Stanford player, Hank Luisetti, was so adept at the "jump shot" that he could outscore an entire opposing team. The new style gained universal acceptance, and basketball scores rose remarkably.

In the 1937-38 season the center jump following each field goal was eliminated. At the end of the next season, Madison Square Garden brought in college teams from around the nation for the National Invitation Tournament (NIT), a postseason playoff that was adopted (1939) on a wider scale by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Although the NIT is still held annually, the NCAA tournament serves as the official intercollegiate championship.

The University of Kentucky (coached, 1930-72, by Adolph Rupp), St. John"s (in New York), the University of North Carolina, Western Kentucky, Kansas University, and Indiana University have been among the leading college basketball teams for years. From 1964 to 1975 the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), coached by John Wooden and led by the centers Lew Alcindor and Bill Walton, dominated the intercollegiate play-offs, winning the title an unprecedented 10 times in 12 years.

The 1,250 college teams in the United States now draw about 30 million spectators per season. Although women have played the game since the 1890s, and even though a few states (Iowa, for instance) have shown great participatory and spectator interest in secondary-school women"s basketball for some decades, significant growth and serious recognition of women"s basketball in the United States and elsewhere did not occur until the 1970s.

Almost all U.S. states now hold girls" high school tournaments, and basketball is the fastest-growing women"s intercollegiate sport. From 1898 on, many attempts were made to establish professional basketball as a spectator sport - but success did not come until 1946. The best of the early efforts was made by the Harlem Globetrotters, an all-black team that toured first only the United States and then internationally to play local professional or semi-professional teams. The Globetrotters, founded in 1926, were not affiliated with a league. Their style was and is often showy because, at least into the early 1950s, they could dominate all opponents.

In 1946 serious professional basketball had acquired a following among American sports fans, who wanted to see the former collegians in action. That year the Basketball Association of America, with teams from the United States and one from Toronto, began competing in large arenas in the major cities. Another professional league, the National Basketball League, was already in existence, with many franchises in medium-sized midwestern cities. The two leagues merged in 1949 as the National Basketball Association (NBA) and pared away the weaker franchises.

With the signing of the country"s best collegians through what was called a player draft, the NBA could display both talent and balance. The NBA"s greatest spurt of growth occurred in the 1960s and "70s. Although the Boston Celtics, led by Bill Russel, Bob Cousy, and John Havlicek and coached by Red Auerbach, won 11 of 13 NBA titles beginning in 1957, fans also closely followed such stars as Philadelphia"s Wilt Chamberlain, Cincinnati"s Oscar Robertson, and Los Angeles"s Jerry West and Elgin Baylor.

The NBA of the 1970s and 1980s exhibited a welcome balance of power: from 1970 until 1988 no team won consecutive NBA titles, though the New York Knicks (with Willis Reed, Walt Frazier, and Bill Bradley) won twice; the Boston Celtics, 5 times (3 with Larry Bird); and the Los Angeles Lakers, 6 times (5 with Magic Johnson). In the 1970s the NBA expanded from 9 teams to 22. Some of the new franchises were acquired when the American Basketball Association (1968-76) merged with the NBA. Also, a Dallas franchise was added in 1980; Charlotte, Carolina, and Miami, in 1988; and Minnesota and Orlando, in 1989.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s several women"s professional leagues were begun; all of them failed financially. Women in the USA are currently under the WNBA. The NBA today enjoys a massive worldwide following, and European basketball is fast emerging to challenge the domination of the Americans.

Уровень В.Прочее.

About Basketball

Nowadays sport is very important in our life. Many people are going in for sport. And all of them choose some sports to their liking.As for me, I am going in for basketball. It is a very interesting game, and I would like to tell you about it.

So my favorite sport is basketball. I enjoy other sports, but it is basketball without which I cannot simply live. I play, and, of course, I catch a game when I can. Basketball develops best athletic and psychological skills, reaction, speed, coordination, and ability to play in a team. Basketball is not only my favorite sport. It is my favorite game and hobby. I have been going in for basketball for 7 years. I really love this game. Our town has a local basketball team. I play for it. We have won six championships. In this season we are also playing for the victory, and now we are the first. We won the Moscow Region Championship last season, and we are going to retry our result. Many people like to watch basketball matches. I also like to watch basketball games on TV and in the Internet. My favorite basketball team is Los Angeles Lakers. There are some best players of the NBA in this team such as Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard. But there are many other good teams in Europe such as the CSKA, Barcelona, and others. So, you see, basketball is an international game.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that basketball is a very interesting game. There are many people playing basketball around the world. Go in for sport, keep fit!

В настоящее время спорт очень важен в нашей жизни. Многие люди занимаются спортом. И все они выбирают некоторые виды спорта для себя. Что касается меня, я занимаюсь баскетболом. Это очень интересная игра, и я хотел бы рассказать вам о ней.

Мой любимый вид спорта — баскетбол. Мне нравятся и другие виды спорта, но без баскетбола я просто не смогу прожить. Я играю, и, конечно же, я заражаюсь игрой, когда я могу. Баскетбол развивает лучшие спортивные и психологические навыки: реакцию, скорость, координацию и умение играть в команде. Баскетбол — это не только мой любимый вид спорта. Это моя любимая игра и хобби. Я занимаюсь баскетболом в течение 7 лет. Я очень люблю эту игру. Наш город имеет свою баскетбольную команду. Я играю за неё. Мы выиграли шесть чемпионатов. В этом сезоне мы также играем на победу, и сейчас мы первые. Мы выиграли чемпионат Московской области в прошлом сезоне, и мы собираемся повторить наш результат. Многие люди любят смотреть баскетбольные матчи. Я также люблю смотреть баскетбол по телевизору и в Интернете. Моя любимая баскетбольная команда это Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс. В этой команде есть лучшие игроки НБА, такие как Коби Брайант и Дуайт Ховард. Но есть много других хороших команд в Европе, такие как ЦСКА, Барселона, и другие. Итак, вы видите, баскетбол международная игра.

В заключение я хотел бы подчеркнуть, что баскетбол очень интересная игра. Есть много людей, играют в баскетбол во всем мире. Занимайтесь спортом, поддерживать себя в форме!

I like sport. It plays a great role in my activities. Most of all I like to play basketball. I am the best player and often take part in different sport competitions. Sometimes we win them but sometimes we lose. Basketball is a team game. It is played in any season because you play this game is indoors game. It is played in a gym. But sometimes you can see streetball - basketball in an open air. There are two baskets in this exciting game and only one orange ball. Players must throw the ball to the basket and get to it to score a goal. There are two teams with only five players. Many people keen in sport because it makes us more healthy and help us to be fit. During you play any sport game you are active and it helps you to burn many calories. Basketball is an active game. It makes people be strong, healthy and energetic. It is a game for everybody even for disabled people. To my mind any sport is risky and dangerous. Basketball is risky too because every minute you can break your arm or leg or get another problem with your health. I like playing basketball most of all. And I am a basketball fan too. I enjoy watching matches on TV and at the gym. I have been to the gym. It was the greatest game I have ever seen.

Я люблю спорт. Он играет большую роль в моей деятельности. Больше всего я люблю играть в баскетбол. Я очень хороший игрок и часто принимаю участие в различных спортивных соревнованиях. Иногда мы выигрываем, но иногда проигрываем. Баскетбол это командная игра. В нее играют в любое время года, потому что играют в эту игру в закрытом помещении. В нее играют в спортивном зале. Но иногда вы можете видеть стритбол - баскетбол на открытом воздухе. Есть две корзины в этой захватывающей игре и только один оранжевый мяч. Игроки должны бросать мяч в корзину и попасть в нее, чтобы забить гол. В игре две команды всего с пятью игроками.

Многие люди занимаются спортом, потому что он делает нас здоровыми и помогает быть в хорошей форме. В то время, когда вы играете в любые спортивные игры вы активны, и это помогает вам сжигать больше калорий. Баскетбол - активная игра. Она заставляет людей быть сильными, здоровыми и энергичными. Это игра для всех, даже для людей с ограниченными возможностями.

На мой взгляд, любой вид спорта рискованный и опасный. Баскетбол тоже, потому что каждую минуту вы можете сломать руку или ногу или получить другую проблему с вашим здоровьем.

Мне нравится играть в баскетбол больше всего. И я также фанат баскетбола. Мне очень нравится смотреть матчи по телевизору и в спортзале. Я был на матче в спотрзале два раза. Это было здорово.